Afrikara, situated at Hoekiesdam Farm, is a socio-agricultural community that actively upholds and promotes soil fertility, animal health and sustainable interrelationships between human beings and nature.
Through youth-focused education and the practice of biodynamic permaculture, which enlivens the soil and stimulates life forces, we produce the highest quality of food to nourish body, mind and spirit without depleting natural resources.
We are a working, bio-diverse farm and established cooperative, producing organic dairy products, lamb, wool, eggs, vegetables, herbs, sprouts, medicinal plants, fruits, olives and honey.
We host Waldorf-themed youth camps that encourage learning through participation in authentic farm activities, as well as art and movement workshops.
Our ultimate aim is to build a land-based community of people who are committed to ethical, natural and sustainable agro-ecology.

Healthy Food
At Afrikara, we believe better food comes from better soil. Our biodynamic farming increases the vibrant fertility of the soil.

Holistic Education
We address the emotional, social, ethical, and academic needs of learners in an integrated learning format.

Biodynamic Farming
Biodynamic farming help us to keep the equilibrium of the ecological system on our farm.

Pure Water
Our farm is blessed with abundant enjoy safe, fresh and better tasting drinking water straight from the ground.

Love & Care
Our deep love and care for all humanity, animals and the land is evident in everything we do.

Majestic Beauty
The farm nestles in the majestic arms of the Witzenberg Mountains in the Western Cape, South Africa.
Surrounded by Beauty
Hoekiesdam rests in the arms of the Witzenberg Mountains in the Western Cape.
Often snow-capped in winter, ‘Magic Mountain’, the mountain most visible from Hoekiesdam, is never the same, its mood ever-changing, from gentle majesty, to pink-robed splendour, to stormy grumbling, and everything in between.
Here waterblommetjies, a seasonal delicacy that traditionally forms part of a local South African bredie (mutton stew), grow in abundance.
We are passionate supporters of a new social order in which active communities and healthy environments form the foundation of sustainable living and prosperity.
Our dream and the vision we work towards is a future where farms are places where:
- Plants, animals and humans live in harmony with the forces that shape our world;
- Food is produced with loving care by farmers that are passionate about their work;
- You can spend time reconnecting with and learning about nature;
- Natural rhythms and cycles are honoured and celebrated through ritual and festival;
- Learning, in all its dimensions, forms an integral part of all activities.
Here’s what a handful of exceptional people have said about Afrikara.
I wanted to learn about bio-dynamic farming, but what I gained was far more holistic than just practical knowledge. I also found the devotion of the community to changing agricultural practices both inspirational and soul-enriching.

Lila Kelly
At Afrikara I found great ways of making a difference. I am passionate about cheese making and had the time of my life in making labneh, a soft probiotic yogurt cheese! Just could not stop eating this tasty product from Afrikara.

George Flavius
I did not know what to expect but during my two week stay at Hoekiesdam, the home of Afrikara Co-op, I learnt how much fun it can be healing the earth through a big balance of hard work, patience and surrendering to the presence of God.